Faith that makes tough choices easier
When we go through a crisis situation, we're often faced with making tough choices. This week we look at how trusting God and asking for His wisdom can help, even when it feels like every option is a bad one. 
  • 25/04/2021Faith that makes tough choices easier
    Faith that makes tough choices easier
    When we go through a crisis situation, we're often faced with making tough choices. This week we look at how trusting God and asking for His wisdom can help, even when it feels like every option is a bad one. 
  • 18/04/2021Faith that isn’t troubled by trouble
    Faith that isn’t troubled by trouble
    This week we begin a new series, "Faith That Works (when life doesn't)". As we study the book of James we explore how we can have the kind of faith that keeps us strong even when we go through a crisis. 
  • 11/04/2021Highly Favoured
    Highly Favoured
    In this message we look at the story of Mary's encounter with an angel who declared that she was "highly favoured" by God. What does it mean to be highly favoured? Does God have favourites? 
  • 04/04/2021Easter Sunday – Turning Death into Life
    Easter Sunday – Turning Death into Life
    This Easter Sunday we celebrate the God who turns weakness into strength, sorrow into joy and death into life.  When we surrender to the power of Jesus in our life, he can take the most difficult challenges and use them to bring good into our lives.
  • 21/03/2021It’s Not Fair!
    It’s Not Fair!
    Most of us have an inherent belief that in a perfect world things would be fair. Unfortunately, when it comes to our relationship with God, fair would mean that we receive the full penalty for our sin. This week we look at Grace, and why sometimes unfairness is a good thing. 
  • 14/03/2021If I believe, why do I still doubt?
    If I believe, why do I still doubt?
    In many churches, it's easy to feel like you're the only one who ever has doubts. In this encouraging message Pr Caleb shares about three New Testament characters who had doubts, and the surprising way that Jesus responded. 
  • 07/03/2021Sharing Your Hope With Others
    Sharing Your Hope With Others
    Most of us want to leave a legacy; we want to be remembered when we're gone. In the final message in our Purpose Driven Church series, we look at why sharing your hope with others is the best way that we can do that. 
    If you would like a pdf copy of the handouts from any of the messages in this series, please contact us via email at info@bethelcrc.org.au or send us a message on our contact page.
  • 28/02/2021Ministry – The Secret to Greatness
    Ministry – The Secret to Greatness
    In this message Pr Caleb shares from John 13, and looks at what Jesus teaches his disciples about the importance of becoming a servant. 
  • 21/02/2021How worshipping with others changes you
    How worshipping with others changes you
    In week 3 of Purpose Driven Church, we look at worship: what it is, and why it is so important to worship together with other believers.
  • 14/02/2021You Need Others for Spiritual Support
    You Need Others for Spiritual Support
    We were created for community. This week we look at the ways that we need others around us for maintaining our spiritual and emotional health.