The Power of Agreement
Series: n/a
Guest speaker this week is Candice McMullen from Hope Central in Adelaide, who shares a prophetic message for our church.
  • 19/05/2019The Power of Agreement
    The Power of Agreement
    Series: n/a
    Guest speaker this week is Candice McMullen from Hope Central in Adelaide, who shares a prophetic message for our church.
  • 12/05/2019Inseparable
    Series: n/a
    This week we explore the text of Romans 8, and look at the amazing promise that nothing can separate us from God.
  • 05/05/2019This Is How We Fight
    This Is How We Fight
    Series: n/a
    As a christian, one of the spiritual weapons that God has given us is praise. This week we explore why Praise is a MUST for christians, and what it can accomplish in our lives.
  • 28/04/2019Uniquely Gifted #4 – Final
    Uniquely Gifted #4 – Final
    Series: n/a
    In this last week of our series on Spiritual Gifts we look at some practical advice for discovering and using your gifts, including the gifts of Mercy, Hospitality, Helping & Encouragement.
  • 21/04/20193D Easter
    3D Easter
    Series: n/a
    The rise of 3D films has enables us to experience storytelling in a much more immersive way. In this message, Caleb talks about the importance of seeing the Easter story in full 3D.
  • 14/04/2019Another Level To Life
    Another Level To Life
    Series: n/a
    Chris shares about the struggle for believers to move beyond the physical world and what we can observe with our human senses. The supernatural should be a normal part of our church life, as well as our everyday life.
  • 07/04/2019Uniquely Gifted #3 – Stepping into the Supernatural
    Uniquely Gifted #3 – Stepping into the Supernatural
    Series: n/a
    This week we look at 1 Corinthians 12, and explore some of the Supernatural gifts that are available to believers through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • 31/03/2019Uniquely Gifted #2 – Are You Gods Gift
    Uniquely Gifted #2 – Are You Gods Gift
    Series: n/a
    Uniquely Gifted 2 - Are You Gods Gift".
    1 Corinthians 12:1
    Ephesians 4:1-16
    1 John 4:1
    1 Thessalonians 5:20-21
    Exodus 18:21
  • 24/03/2019Ps David from Compassion – Coping with Stress
    Ps David from Compassion – Coping with Stress
    Series: n/a
    Ps David from www.compassion.com.au was a guest speaker today, talking about coping with stress
    1 Samuel 30:3-8
    1 Samuel 30:11
  • 17/03/2019Uniquely Gifted #1
    Uniquely Gifted #1
    Series: n/a
    We start our new series called "Uniquely Gifted"
    1 Corinthians 12:1
    Psalm 139:13-18
    1 Corinthians 13:1-3
    1 Peter 4:10
    1 Corinthians 12:7
    Romans 1:11-12
    1 Corinthians 12:31a
    1 Timothy 4:14-15
    2 Timothy 1:6