Return of the King – Still Burning
How is your passion for God? In this message we continue to explore what it means to "Live Ready" for the return of Jesus. 
  • 17/10/2021Return of the King – Still Burning
    Return of the King – Still Burning
    How is your passion for God? In this message we continue to explore what it means to "Live Ready" for the return of Jesus. 
  • 10/10/2021Return of the King – Dealing with the Stuff
    Return of the King – Dealing with the Stuff
    As we continue to look at Jesus' return, we read from the parable Jesus told in Matthew 24 about what it means to be a faithful servant. Living ready for Jesus' return means being a good steward of the stuff that he gives us. 
  • 03/10/2021On Repeat – He’s Coming Back
    On Repeat – He’s Coming Back
    Series: On Repeat
    Have you ever had a moment where it seems like evil abounds? Like the world just gets worse every day? As followers of Jesus, we hold on to the hope that the day is coming when Jesus will return to put things right again. This week we look at what Jesus said about his return, and how that should influence the way that we live today. 
  • 26/09/2021On Repeat – God is With Me
    On Repeat – God is With Me
    Series: On Repeat
    In the bible, God promises his people again and again that he will be with them; that he will never leave them or abandon them. Why is it that we need to hear these words "on repeat"?  This week we look at how that promise strikes at the heart of one of our biggest problems: fear. 
  • 12/09/2021On Repeat – The Church is God’s Plan
    On Repeat – The Church is God’s Plan
    Series: On Repeat
    There are many critics of the church today, and at times it isn't hard to see why. Yet despite its flaws and imperfections, God created and loves the church. God's plan is still for his people to do life together in community. 
  • 05/09/2021On Repeat – I Look Like My Dad
    On Repeat – I Look Like My Dad
    Series: On Repeat
    Being a dad is hard - if you're anything like most dads, you don't always get it right.  In this Fathers' Day message we look at some of the qualities of a good dad that we seem demonstrated in the way God loves us. 
  • 29/08/2021On Repeat – I Need to Feed
    On Repeat – I Need to Feed
    Series: On Repeat
    This week Pr Caleb encourages us to learn to feed on God's word. Just as a baby cries out for milk, so we should be hungry for God's word and learn to find strength in it. 
  • 22/08/2021On Repeat – I Need to Pray
    On Repeat – I Need to Pray
    Series: On Repeat
    We all know that prayer is an important part of following Jesus, yet how often does prayer become relegated to a few words tacked onto the end of a busy day, or crowded out all together? This week we discuss why we need to be intentional in making time to talk with God, and some tips for how to pray.
  • 15/08/2021On Repeat – Saved By Grace
    On Repeat – Saved By Grace
    Series: On Repeat
    When we talk about God's grace, we are referring to God's favour that we could not earn or deserve. Remembering that God's choice to save us is based only on His grace, and not on our efforts, helps to combat both pride and fear in our lives. 
  • 01/08/2021What’s Underpinning Your World?
    What’s Underpinning Your World?
    Series: n/a
    In times when the world has the potential to shake our faith, it's important to stop and examine what that faith is built on. This week Pr Hans Voortman asks "What's Underpinning Your World?"